Opening Hours


Reynolds Rugrats is Licensed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  However opening hours are:


Monday                          7.30am – 5.30pm

Tuesday                         7.30am – 5.30pm   

Wednesday                     7.30am – 5.30pm

Thursday                        7.30am – 5.30pm

Friday                                      7.30am – 5.30pm

Saturday                        Closed

Sunday                           Closed

Public Holidays                Closed

I will however consider shift workers.


My Holidays

There will unfortunately be times when I will need to take holidays and I will try to give you as much notice as possible.  I can refer you to Community Vision who will try and find alternative care.

I will shut Christmas week and Easter School Holiday week each year.





Fee Schedule as of 2nd July 2012 (to be reviewed July 2013)

7.30am to 5.00pm



Late Collection Fee

$15.00 per 15 minutes

unless pre-arranged




Public Holidays


Service Closed

Please note: Prices do not include Community Vision Family Day Care Levy (please see heading ‘Community Vision Scheme Levy’).

Full fees are payable for absent days.

Cancellation of Care

Two weeks written notice must be given in advance of care being cancelled. If a child does not attend during the notice period then full fees will apply for those days.

Community Vision Scheme Levy
By being a member of the Community Vision Family Day Care Scheme I am agreeing to quality assurance and to abide by the policies and procedures of the scheme. I receive a number of benefits and services by being a member of the scheme, which is passed on to your child through the exceptional care they receive.  In order to provide these services Community Vision charges a levy to all families using Family Day Care. The current cost of the levy is $0.50 per hour, capped at $35.00 per family per week. This may change each year in accordance with the consumer price index and other factors.

Child Care Benefit (CCB)

To ensure correct Child Care Benefit is received by parents it is essential that enrolment forms are filled in correctly.

Parents must ensure they have registered with the Family Assistance Office (Centre link) to receive a Customer Reference Number (CRN) and assess their eligibility prior to the commencement of care.

The Child Care Benefit percentage will be deducted from fee costs only when Community Vision receives information from the Family Assistance Office.

Community Vision Family Day Care Scheme administers the Child Care Benefit. Parents are expected to supply all relevant information as stated above. Parents must also notify Community Vision if they have other children in approved care services when they have child/children attending the service, and must inform Community Vision if their child/children will not be attending any future Family Community Vision Day Care Service.

Please note: failure to pay fees puts your child’s place in jeopardy. Please ensure you discuss any payment problems with me as soon as possible.